Press Release

McHenry Releases Statement on Impeachment of Secretary Mayorkas

WASHINGTON - Congressman Patrick McHenry (NC-10) released the following statement after last night's vote to refer impeachment of Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to the Committee on Homeland Security:

"Under the leadership of President Biden, the border is in crisis. In response, I joined with my House Republican colleagues earlier this year to pass HR 2, the strongest border bill in history. It is a serious response to the crisis at our southern border—continuing construction of the border wall, increasing the number of and funding for CBP agents, and reinstating many Trump-era policies that kept us safe. I urge Chuck Schumer and Senate Democrats to support this legislation now to confront the situation at the border, which continues to deteriorate under President Biden's watch.

"As it relates to the possible impeachment of Secretary Mayorkas, I believe we should follow regular order and make the best argument possible. Homeland Security Committee Chair Mark Green has been working on this matter since January. He and his committee should have the opportunity to finish their work, so the case against Secretary Mayorkas is as strong as possible thereby increasing the chances of his successful removal in a Senate trial. I believe last night’s vote was rushed and the effort was doomed to fail.

"Furthermore, impeachment is a hugely significant vote and not one that should be taken lightly. Nancy Pelosi cheapened the process with her two politicized impeachments of President Trump. I think House Republicans should be more serious and responsible with our powers than Pelosi, Adam Schiff, and their allies. We should make a strong case that can succeed on its merits, not simply try to score political points."