
National Archives Loses Several Million Books

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Subcommittee member U.S. Rep. Patrick T. McHenry (R-NC) was “troubled by the pattern of careless handling of sensitive material by the archives.” McHenry informed the committee that the hard drive lost last week contained “one terabyte of data derived from the records of the Clinton presidency… A terabyte of data is approximately equivalent to several million books.”

ACORN Should Not Receive Taxpayers' Money

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Tags: Census

Yet the Obama administration chose ACORN to recruit counters for the 2010 Census, and they are already canvassing neighborhoods. Rep. Patrick McHenry's, R-N.C., effort to sever the Census Bureau-ACORN partnership should be supported by all who want honest elections.

President Obama's census man plays the numbers game

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Tags: Census

On Friday, Robert Groves, President Obama's choice to head the Census Bureau, will have his Senate confirmation hearing. His hearing is important because next year's Census has big political and economic ramifications, not only determining how House seats will be allocated among the states but also setting the formulas that will determine how huge amounts of federal dollars will flow.

Congress to AIG: We don't trust you

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Rep. Patrick McHenry, R-N.C., also questioned Liddy about when Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner first learned about the bonuses. McHenry wanted to know if Geithner, when meeting with AIG as President of the New York Fed in late 2008, discussed the bonuses with Liddy. "You met with Geithner in September, October, November, but did not mention the word 'bonus?'" asked McHenry. "No," replied Liddy.

Could 2010 Census Include Make-Believe People?

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Tags: Census

Congressman Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.) believes the danger is real. As ranking member on the subcommittee that oversees the Census, McHenry describes a scenario whereby sampling is offered as an emergency remedy for problems after the Census is taken next April.

McHenry Demands Census Bureau Cut Ties with ACORN

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Tags: Census

Republican members of the House Subcommittee on Information Policy, Census and National Archives yesterday sent a letter to Thomas Mesenbourg, the acting director of the U.S. Census Bureau, asking that the Decennial Census effort sever all ties with the controversial Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN. Led by Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.), the ranking Republican on the subcommittee, the letter points out that the organization slated to assist in gathering census information is under federal investigation and new state indictment in Nevada.

Charlotte-area Radio Stations Battle Musicians Over Money

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WASHINGTON -- Two longtime partners could be getting entangled in a messy divorce. Your favorite radio station is about to battle the very artists whose music they broadcast. In recent weeks, the radio industry and music industry have taken their growing dispute over money to Congress. National recording artists, including Bono, Tony Bennett and Tim McGraw, are urging Congress to pass…

Thumbs Up

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THUMBS UP to U.S. Rep. Patrick McHenry for working toward the creation of a national Hmong Recognition Day. The day would recognize the contributions of this group of American citizens' sacrifice to support the United States during and since the Vietnam War. McHenry understands the positive contributions the Hmong community has made in Catawba County and in other communities across the…

Thumbs Up

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THUMBS UP to 10th District Rep. Patrick McHenry for proposing legislation that would give people applying for a mortgage more information regarding the details and obligations of their loan. We agree with McHenry that these “rules will make the borrowing process significantly simpler and more transparent.” The Congressman offered two amendments to mortgage legislation this week in the House Financial Services Committee. The changes he proposed would affect rules for disclosures in monthly statements for mortgage loans and help unfreeze the mortgage market to encourage more consumer lending. This amendment would help worthy borrowers get access to lending, which is critical to our economic recovery. The second amendment would require a study by federal banking regulators into the methods for credit risk retention. Both are solid ideas that we support.