
Thumbs Up

Hickory Daily Record Editorial

THUMBS UP to 10th District Rep. Patrick McHenry for proposing legislation that would give people applying for a mortgage more information regarding the details and obligations of their loan. We agree with McHenry that these “rules will make the borrowing process significantly simpler and more transparent.” The Congressman offered two amendments to mortgage legislation this week in the House Financial Services Committee. The changes he proposed would affect rules for disclosures in monthly statements for mortgage loans and help unfreeze the mortgage market to encourage more consumer lending. This amendment would help worthy borrowers get access to lending, which is critical to our economic recovery. The second amendment would require a study by federal banking regulators into the methods for credit risk retention. Both are solid ideas that we support.
THUMBS UP to 10th District Rep. Patrick McHenry for proposing legislation that would give people applying for a mortgage more information regarding the details and obligations of their loan.  We agree with McHenry that these “rules will make the borrowing process significantly simpler and more transparent.” The Congressman offered two amendments to mortgage legislation this week in the House Financial Services Committee.  The changes he proposed would affect rules for disclosures in monthly statements for mortgage loans and help unfreeze the mortgage market to encourage more consumer lending.  This amendment would help worthy borrowers get access to lending, which is critical to our economic recovery.  The second amendment would require a study by federal banking regulators into the methods for credit risk retention. Both are solid ideas that we support.

[Link to editorial not available]