
ROLL CALL: Heard on the Hill: It’s Been a Slow Couple of Months

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Heard on the Hill: It’s Been a Slow Couple of Months By Neda Semnani Roll Call Staff May 26, 2011, Midnight During a now-infamous House Oversight and Government Reform subcommittee hearing, Harvard professor Elizabeth Warren testified that her calendar is “an open book.” Unfortunately for the professor, it is also in some cases a blank book. Warren, adviser to President Barack Obama…

Hickory Daily Record: Business community says government regulations stunt growth

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Uncertainty about government regulations already in place and others that may be coming are hampering economic growth and stifling efforts to create jobs, area business leaders said Friday. About two dozen representatives of various business and industry sectors in the Greater Hickory Metro voiced their concerns to U.S. Rep. Patrick McHenry (R, 10th District) during a luncheon meeting at the Catawba County Chamber of Commerce.

Video: Obama’s Budget Proposal: What could you do with $3.73 trillion?

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On Monday, President Obama sent his FY2011 budget proposal to Congress. Simply said, this $3.73 trillion proposal spends too much, borrows too much, and taxes too much. Meanwhile, House Republicans have worked this week to make $100 billion in cuts to current year spending – and we’re just getting started. This is a down payment on the long term deficit reduction plan we will undertake beginning with the budget process in March.

McHenry Votes to Repeal ObamaCare (Video Statement)

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Congressman Patrick McHenry (NC-10) issued the following video statement prior to his vote to repeal the health care law signed by President Obama last year. H.R. 2, the Repeal the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act, passed the House of Representatives by a vote of 245 to 189.

Congressional Oversight: A Constitutional Obligation

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Incoming House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) recently put out a report detailing the responsibilities of Congress to be a watchdog for the Executive Branch. In his report, Chairman Issa noted that the Oversight and Government Reform Committee requested 61% less information and held 21% fewer hearings than they did before the election of President Obama.

Signs of a Failed Stimulus: Be A Citizen-Watchdog

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As the days count down before Democrats shut down Congress to head home for the fall, the debate is heating up among House and Senate Democrat leaders over who will jump off the cliff first to vote for President Obama’s tax hikes. Meanwhile, my work with my fellow Republicans on the Oversight and Government Reform Committee to root out waste, fraud, and abuse within the federal government continues to push forward. As Democrats fight among themselves over recklessly raising taxes during a recession, they continue to waste millions of your tax dollars on road signs that announce stimulus projects. Legally, the use of these signs is tantamount to propaganda, and their production could potentially amount to $192 million once they are all complete.