
Tea party draws a crowd in Morganton

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One of the speakers at the event was U.S. Rep. Patrick McHenry, R-N.C. 10th District, who told the crowd, "This is not about one man or one woman. This is about the forgotten man." He said the forgotten man is the neighbor trying to make ends meet, working more than one job and driving a 10-year-old truck. McHenry said it's time to let lawmakers in Washington, D.C., know who is in charge and that they need to cut spending and balance the budget. McHenry told the crowd, some of whom wore tea bags, that he looks forward to getting all of the tea bags mailed to his Washington office from protesters across the 10th District. He will let other lawmakers know his constituents are fed up, he said.

McHenry will speak at Tax Day Tea Party

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U.S. Rep. Patrick McHenry, R-N.C. 10th District, will speak at the Tax Day Tea Party on the Old Courthouse Square in Morganton. The event starts at noon Wednesday. The rally will give local taxpayers an opportunity to exercise their freedom of speech in an event inspired by the Boston Tea Party of 1773. The Burke County Property Owners & Taxpayers Association and other groups…

Obama taps Groves for census director

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Tags: Census

President Barack Obama has chosen Robert M. Groves to be the next census director, turning to a professor who has clashed with Republicans over the use of statistical sampling to lead the high-stakes head count. The White House will announce the selection of Groves later Thursday, a Commerce Department official told The Associated Press. The official demanded anonymity because the…

Thumbs Up

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THUMBS UP to the Department of Veterans Affairs Mid-Atlantic Health Care Network for opening a new community-based outpatient clinic in Hickory to replace the old clinic. A groundbreaking for the new clinic was held Friday. Congressman Patrick McHenry deserves much of the credit for bringing the clinic to Hickory and has kept his promise to look out for our veterans. Upon completion, the…

McHenry presses Obama about 2010 Census

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Tags: Census

Rep. Patrick McHenry, R-10th, kept up pressure on the Obama administration this week over the 2010 Census after the president nominated former Washington Gov. Gary Locke as Commerce secretary. Obama had chosen Sen. Judd Gregg, R-N.H., for the post. But Gregg decided to step aside after the White House indicated that it -- not the Commerce Department -- would directly oversee the 2010…

Laurels to 10th District U.S. Rep. Patrick McHenry

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    Laurels to 10th District U.S. Rep. Patrick McHenry, who this week announced the next stage in plans for the Hickory region’s veterans service clinic.  News that the Department of Veterans Affairs has awarded a 15-year lease for the second phase of the Community Based Outpatient Clinic means that this important facility will have a permanent home in Hickory.  The existing center serves…

McHenry calls auto bailout "unfortunate"

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Don't like their cars enough to buy one? Too bad - they're getting your money anyway. President Bush announced Friday $13.4 billion in emergency loans to General Motors and Chrysler, ideally preventing the collapse of two American automobile giants.  Another $4 billion would be available in February, the president announced.  The money will come from taxpayers by way of $700 billion in…

Not everyone supports bailout

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The economic calamity that would result from a collapse of the Big 3 automakers is obvious, but many Americans are glad the U.S. Senate foiled a bailout plan. They see a bailout as a reward for doing business badly. The Senate voted down the $15 billion plan because the Union of Automobile Workers and senators could not agree on a timetable for wage reductions. The UAW agreed to…

Congressman addresses nation's energy policy

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Energy policy was the focus of 10th District U. S. Rep. Patrick McHenry's town hall meeting Friday evening. The congressman, who is touring his district this month while Congress is in recess, spoke to a crowd of about 20 people at Thomas Jefferson Classical Academy.   McHenry told the audience that there is no one answer to dealing with the nation's energy crisis, but he said…

McHenry tells group about energy agenda

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U.S. Rep. Patrick McHenry, running for reelection for North Carolina’s 10th Congressional District, answered tough questions regarding his positions on seven major science issues through the Scientists and Engineers for America’s SHARP Network.   The Innovation & the Elections 2008 questionnaire is a joint effort by SEA and 18 of America’s top science and engineering…