
McHenry presses Obama about 2010 Census

by Sean Mussenden, Hickory Daily Record

Rep. Patrick McHenry, R-10th, kept up pressure on the Obama administration this week over the 2010 Census after the president nominated former Washington Gov. Gary Locke as Commerce secretary.

Obama had chosen Sen. Judd Gregg, R-N.H., for the post. But Gregg decided to step aside after the White House indicated that it -- not the Commerce Department -- would directly oversee the 2010 Census. Before Gregg dropped out, McHenry, the top Republican on a subcommittee that oversees the census, helped inflame the dispute by publicly questioning the White House's decision.

And last week, he sent a letter to Locke asking questions that McHenry hopes will come up at Locke's confirmation hearing in the Senate.

"Do you intend to comply with the partisan ambitions of the President or to fulfill your constitutional obligation as Secretary of Commerce and oversee a fair and accurate 2010 Decennial Census?" McHenry wrote.

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