Press Release

McHenry Statement on former Speaker McCarthy

WASHINGTON — Congressman Patrick McHenry (NC-10) released the following statement on former Speaker Kevin McCarthy's retirement from Congress:

“Kevin’s relentless perseverance, keen insights, and unmatched knowledge of the personalities in the House were amazing to witness firsthand. While the public saw the 15 rounds in January and the historic spending cuts of the Fiscal Responsibility Act, privately I saw the legislative equivalent of an elite power athlete—expertly working people, process, and policy to get the outcome he wanted. In the wildest moments of the last decade, I got to see Kevin up close. He showed coolness under pressure, brought political instincts to weave a path forward, and had the clarity to find wins during his tenure as Speaker.

“Kevin’s an innate optimist & connector of people—always looking for the bright side, even in the darkest of times. It was those qualities that have gotten him through his incredible career. He is also a political mastermind, having led House Republicans’ electoral gains in consecutive cycles and winning us back the majority—twice. The American people and the institution of the House are better off for Kevin’s service. I’m certain he will be successful in whatever comes next and I wish him, Judy, and the entire McCarthy family nothing but the best in their next chapter. What a gift it was to work with Kevin, and what a privilege it is to call him friend.”