Press Release

McHenry Announces Tenth District Congressional App Challenge Winner

Congressman Patrick McHenry (NC-10) announced Mooresville's Yunjia Quan as the winner of the Tenth District's 2022 Congressional App Challenge. Yunjia created Habit Cash, a motivational productivity-oriented software to combat burnout and lack of motivation.

Yunjia also wrote a Whitepaper for a digital token, ‘Habitcoins’. Users of Habit Cash can earn Habitcoins while studying and trade it for real money, with every transaction on a blockchain. 

"Congratulations to Yunjia on winning this year’s challenge with her ingenious design to motivate her peers and the millions of others who struggle to stay on task." said Congressman McHenry, "As an advocate for blockchain technologies, I was especially impressed she wrote a Whitepaper for Habitcoins. I am grateful for students like Yunjia who are using their intellect and skills to improve blockchain technologies and contribute to the digital asset space."

Click here or on the image below to learn more about Habit Cash and watch Yunjia's YouTube video submission of the app.

The 2023 Congressional App Challenge will launch in June of 2023, eligible students can click here to pre-register for the competition.