Press Release

McHenry Introduces the Ammunition & Firearms Protection Act

Bill would prevent any future ATF bans of popular AR-15 ammunition

Washington, March 16, 2015 | Jeff Butler (202-225-2576)

Chief Deputy Whip Patrick McHenry (R, NC-10) introduced H.R. 1365, the Ammunition and Firearms Protection Act.  H.R. 1365 would prevent the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) from classifying M855 ammunition as armor-piercing and from instituting any ban on the sale and manufacture of ammunition that is intended, marketed, and sold for rifle use.

"The proposed ban is but the latest step in President Obama's assault on our Constitution and Bill of Rights," McHenry said.  "While I'm glad the ATF acknowledged the vast public and Congressional outcry against this plan," McHenry continued, "they have still left open the possibility that it could be proposed again in the future and many Congressional Democrats have called for just that.  The Ammunition and Firearms Protection Act would put an end to this attack on our Second Amendment by ensuring this popular ammunition used by countless law-abiding American sportsmen remains available and not subject to any future ATF bans."

“On behalf of the NRA's five million members, I would like to thank Congressman McHenry for introducing this important legislation," said Chris Cox, Executive Director of NRA-ILA.  “Beating back the latest iteration of President Obama's gun control agenda was a significant, but unfortunately temporary, victory for gun owners across America. The Obama administration has made it clear that they will pursue an ammunition ban whenever they see an opportunity.  Congressman McHenry's bill will help fight back against President Obama's unconstitutional attacks on our freedom."

The M855 ammunition is also known as NATO SS109 ammunition and is commonly used by AR-15 owners for hunting and target-shooting.   Last week, the ATF scrapped plans to ban this popular ammunition after public opposition.  If passed, this legislation would prevent the ATF from proposing any future bans on ammunition used legally.

On February 13th of this year the ATF first proposed a ban on M855 ammunition as armor-piercing ammunition.  On March 4th, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R, VA-06) sent a letter signed by McHenry and 238 House colleagues raising concerns about the Administration's proposed ban.  Following over 80,000 public comments, the ATF announced on March 10th they would rescind their proposed ban while leaving open the possibility of reconsidering the framework in the future.