Speeches and Floor Statements

McHenry delivers speech critical of Democrat groups on ethics.

McHenry delivers speech critical of Democrat groups on ethics.

One group concerned with "ethics" on Capitol Hill, the Center for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), is a partisan group using ethics for political ends.
Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to address the House for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks…

Thank you. Mr. Speaker.

There is a lot of talk from a groups in Washington about ethics, making sure that members of Congress hold to the highest standards of ethical conduct.

Good stuff.

But one of these groups concerned about the ethics,– the Center for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington – is NOT the nonpartisan entity we may have thought.

The Center for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, Mr. Speaker, is a partisan group with a partisan agenda.

According to the Wall Street Journal, board members of the group, including former Clinton White House pollster Mark Penn, have contributed $340,000 to democratic causes in the past four years, and only $6000 to republicans.

The group’s director has said: “Since I Started, The Main Thing I Wanted To Do Was To Go After Tom DeLay. DeLay Is My Top Target.”

Is this group concerned wtih ethics, Mr. Speaker? No. It’s another partisan group, with one agenda only: to file complaints against Republicans.

It’s about politics, Mr. Speaker, not ethics.