
Video Blog: Poll Results, Reckless Spending, and Your Questions

Last week, Congressman McHenry polled constituents on a simple question: Are you confident that President Obama put forth the best plan to move our country in the right direction? In this week's video blog, he reveals the poll results, talks about new spending and debt this week in Congress, and asks for your questions to be answered in next week's video.

Last week, Congressman McHenry polled constituents on a simple question: Are you confident that in his State of the Union address, President Obama put forth the best plan to move our country in the right direction?  In this week's video blog, he reveals the poll results, talks about new spending and debt this week in Congress, and asks for your questions to be answered in next week's video. 


Please post your questions in the comments section below, on Facebook, or @PatrickMcHenry on Twitter.