
House approves unemployment benefit extension

by David Allen, Shelby Star

“As we work to end this recession and rebuild our local economy, it is critical that we provide the support our displaced workers need to get back on their feet,” McHenry said Wednesday in a prepared statement. “People are hurting, and we have a responsibility to help folks weather the storm.”

Jobless workers in imminent danger of losing their unemployment benefits would get a 13-week reprieve under legislation approved by the House Tuesday...

...Endorsement of the bill crossed party lines and passed with a vote of 331-83, including unanimous approval from all 13 North Carolina representatives that voted Tuesday. Among them was Congressman Patrick McHenry, R-10th district.

“As we work to end this recession and rebuild our local economy, it is critical that we provide the support our displaced workers need to get back on their feet,” McHenry said Wednesday in a prepared statement.  “People are hurting, and we have a responsibility to help folks weather the storm.”

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