
Thumbs Up

Hickory Daily Record Editorial

THUMBS UP to Congressman Patrick McHenry who this week co-sponsored a resolution that, if approved, would require members of Congress who vote for the health-care reform plan now being debated in Washington to enroll in the program.
THUMBS UP to Congressman Patrick McHenry who this week co-sponsored a resolution that, if approved, would require members of Congress who vote for the health-care reform plan now being debated in Washington to enroll in the program. Members of Congress currently have an option to enroll in the same health insurance program as federal employees — the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program. We think this is a reasonable request and one that could help create a better health-care reform package in the end. "The so-called 'public option' is a dramatic first step toward government-rationed healthcare in the United States," McHenry said. "Any elected representative who thinks that government bureaucrats should be making healthcare decisions for their constituents must accept an identical fate." We agree. What is good for the American people should be good for our lawmakers, too.

Link to editorial here: