
McHenry: Is ACORN recruiting census workers or not?

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Tags: Census

Today, Congressman Patrick McHenry, Ranking Member on the Census Oversight Subcommittee sent a letter to the U.S. Census Bureau concerning its partnership with ACORN. While the Bureau has reported to Congress that ACORN is not recruiting census workers, internal documents contradict this claim. Assuming the Bureau can reconcile these contradictions and verify that ACORN has been…

McHenry Congratulates Groves on Confirmation as Census Director

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Tags: Census

“I congratulate Dr. Groves on his confirmation as our next Census Director. Because of his past support of manipulating census results, Dr. Groves would not have been my first choice for the position. However, having ruled out the use of statistical adjustment, I believe Dr. Groves is well positioned and well qualified to lead an accurate and successful 2010 Decennial. I look forward to working with Dr. Groves to ensure that Congress meets its obligations to provide vigorous and constructive oversight of the Bureau’s operations.”

Republicans Encourage Bachmann to End Census Boycott

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Tags: Census

“Every elected representative in this country should feel a responsibility to encourage full participation in the census. To do otherwise is to advocate for a smaller share of federal funding for our constituents. Boycotting the constitutionally-mandated census is illogical, illegal and not in the best interest of our country.

Acorn Role in Census Challenged

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Tags: Census

Rep. Patrick McHenry of North Carolina, the ranking Republican on the panel that oversees the Census Bureau, is demanding that the bureau explain how the partnership with Acorn fits its stated mission of selecting partners that will not "distract from the Census Bureau's mission."

McHenry Critical of AWOL Census Subcommittee

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Tags: Census

“This subcommittee has a constitutional obligation to work as a partner with the Census Bureau to ensure a successful 2010 Decennial. Having not held a census hearing since March, we are clearly not holding up our end of the bargain. I respectfully request that we immediately convene a hearing to address the stated concerns you have regarding the Bureau’s address canvassing effort – the ‘cornerstone of a successful census’,” stated Congressman McHenry.

McHenry Seeks Response from Census Bureau regarding ACORN

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Tags: Census

The involvement of ACORN, an organization with a history of falsifying government documents, threatens the integrity and accuracy of the 2010 Decennial Census. ACORN continues to recruit its employees to serve as census takers. “I respectfully request a written explanation to Congress detailing why ACORN’s involvement is so essential that the Bureau must bend its own rules to allow it,” stated Congressman McHenry.

Is Obama Counting Census Jobs?

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Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.), ranking Republican on the Subcommittee on Information Policy, Census, and National Archives, raised a very intriguing question this week. Is the Obama administration erroneously counting census jobs in their claims that the stimulus package will “save or create” 600,000 jobs over the next 100 days? “As hiring for the 2010 Census continues, the American…

ACORN Should Not Receive Taxpayers' Money

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Tags: Census

Yet the Obama administration chose ACORN to recruit counters for the 2010 Census, and they are already canvassing neighborhoods. Rep. Patrick McHenry's, R-N.C., effort to sever the Census Bureau-ACORN partnership should be supported by all who want honest elections.

McHenry Applauds Groves’ Support for Nonpartisan Census

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“I commend Dr. Groves for his well-articulated understanding of the consequences of partisan meddling in the census. Dr. Groves’ statement encapsulates precisely why the political manipulation of census data should never be experimented with. Statistical adjustment has been proven to increase the inaccuracy of the census count and would unquestionably ensure partisan politics as the guiding force behind census results."