
Town Hall Posters

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During this August's town hall meetings throughout the Tenth District, Congressman McHenry has displayed several visuals to help illustrate the effect of Democratic policies on our taxes, debt, deficits, and health care system. Click on the images below to view full size.

ObamaCare's Bureaucratic Nightmare Revealed

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Today, Rep. Kevin Brady (TX), senior House Republican on the Joint Economic Committee, released a revised chart illustrating the bureaucratic nightmare that is America's new health care system under the recently passed ObamaCare legislation. This detailed visual displays a staggering array of new government agencies, regulations, and mandates created under the plan.

Populist Rhetoric: Not an acceptable response to failing policy

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This week, claims by his big business allies that President Obama is “at his core, anti-business” broke into the mainstream media.  His response?  Fall back on the Democrats’ predictable, unerring theme: when common sense, facts, and numbers conflict with failing policy, simply continue to push more populist rhetoric. This maneuver has become typical of the Obama…

McHenry's "Answers for the 10th" - Repealing ObamaCare

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Congressman McHenry is back with this week's edition of "Answers for the 10th."  Today's video addresses a common theme from many of your comments last week: repealing ObamaCare. Please continue to share your thoughts and additional questions with the Congressman on his video blog.  Post your feedback and questions in the Comments section, and have a great weekend.