Press Release

McHenry Introduces Bipartisan Legislation Honoring Service of Working Dogs

Congressman Patrick McHenry (NC-10), the top Republican on the House Financial Services Committee, joined Congressman Jake Auchincloss (MA-04), the House Financial Services Committee Vice Chair, in introducing H.R. 5232, the Working Dog Commemorative Coin Act. This bipartisan bill will instruct the U.S. Mint to develop a commemorative coin series honoring the critical role working dogs play in our society, while providing financial support to help raise and train service dogs for veterans.

“From the battlefield to the home front, working dogs provide an invaluable service,” said Congressman McHenry. “Not only do these incredible animals serve alongside our troops and law enforcement, but they also assist wounded veterans when they return home. I’m proud to sponsor this bipartisan legislation to honor and support working dogs’ contributions.”

“When I commanded infantry in Afghanistan, our K9 dog was an important member of the platoon,” said Congressman Auchincloss. “Service dogs support homeland and national security across a range of missions, some of them highly dangerous. This bipartisan legislation will offer the recognition our service dogs deserve, while providing needed resources to train service dogs to support our veterans.”

Background: This bipartisan legislation authorizes the Department of the Treasury to mint a three-coin commemorative series to honor the service working dogs provide to society. All surcharges from H.R. 5232 will go to America’s VetDogs to ensure that this organization can continue to provide these lifesaving animals to veterans and first responders with disabilities at no cost to the individual.