Press Release

McHenry Decries More of the Same From President Obama

State of the Union address doubles down on failed policies of last 6 years

Washington, January 20, 2015 | Jeff Butler (202-225-2576)

Chief Deputy Whip Patrick McHenry (R, NC-10) released the following statement after President Barack Obama's State of the Union address:

“Tonight President Obama had the opportunity to lay out a bipartisan agenda, aimed at achieving consensus with Congressional Republicans during his final two years in office.  Unfortunately what I heard instead was more of the same big government policies which have not worked and were repudiated at the ballot box by the American people last November.
“President Obama spoke at length about America’s struggling middle class but failed to acknowledge the substantial role his policies have played in hindering middle class job growth.  This President has given us Dodd-Frank which drives up borrowing costs for small businesses, Obamacare which has reduced hours and take home pay, and burdensome regulations which continue to hamper job growth.
“There were areas where I believe Congressional Republicans can work together with Mr. Obama, especially as it relates to cybersecurity and trade policy.  I hope the President will work together with us in Congress to get things done for the American people."