Press Release

McHenry Statement on House Republicans’ Pledge to America

Congressman Patrick McHenry (NC-10) released the following statement today after House Republicans presented A Pledge to America, a new governing agenda that outlines concrete solutions that can be implemented immediately to tackle the issues that are most important to the nation, including job creation, spending restraint, national security, healthcare, and government reform. The full agenda can be viewed here.

Congressman Patrick McHenry (NC-10) released the following statement today after House Republicans presented A Pledge to America, a new governing agenda that outlines concrete solutions that can be implemented immediately to tackle the issues that are most important to the nation, including job creation, spending restraint, national security, healthcare, and government reform.  The full agenda can be viewed here.

“For the past two years, we have watched as a Democrat agenda, built on promises of ‘change,’ has resulted in exploding deficits, a record national debt, a job-killing healthcare takeover, and a complete failure to combat rising unemployment,” said Congressman McHenry.  “I am excited to join my colleagues today in making our Pledge to America by offering a concrete, governing agenda that takes immediate action to create jobs, cut spending, and change the way Congress does business.  This pledge is the product of months spent listening to Americans’ concerns and ideas at town halls, rallies, and online.

“If one thing was apparent at all my town hall meetings across the Tenth District, it’s that the American people demand solutions now.  There is no reason why they should have to wait until after the November elections for Congress to take decisive action to cut taxes and end the uncertainty that hurts the ability of small business to create jobs.”
