
McHenry Letter to SBA Regarding Storm Damage


Ms. Karen Mill, Administrator

U.S. Small Business Administration

403 3rd Street SW, Suite 7900

Washington, DC  20416

Dear Ms. Mills:

Burke, Caldwell, and Rutherford Counties in North Carolina incurred severe damage from a storm system that moved through the state last night.  I have attached the latest damage report provided by the North Carolina Division of Emergency Management (NCDEM).  Officials with that agency have advised me that they are currently working with local officials to complete the damage assessment for affected areas.  Upon completion, Governor Perdue will likely submit a disaster declaration and assistance request to SBA.

In light of the apparent scale of the storm damage and the need for impacted residents and businesses to begin the recovery process, I am asking you to make every effort to process the State of North Carolina’s request expeditiously.  In addition, I would appreciate any help you can offer my constituents seeking assistance through your agency after a declaration is issued.      

Please keep me advised of developments in this matter.  You can address your response to my Hickory District Office, P.O. Box 1830, Hickory, NC  28603.  If you have any questions please contact David McCrary of my staff at 828-327-6100 or 

Thank you for your assistance. I look forward to hearing from you.


Patrick McHenry

Member of Congress
